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Born in Southampton, the UK, 1937 | Lives and works in London


Allen Jones is a painter, sculptor, and printmaker who came into prominence with the rise of British Pop art in the early 1960s. A few years later, while living in New York, he developed the three-dimensional illusionism with salient erotic components that would prove to be the hallmark of his artistic career. The full extent of his Pop sensibilities emerged in his sexually provocative fiberglass sculptures, life-sized images of women arranged as furniture with fetishistic and sadomasochistic overtones.


Jones studied at Hornsey College of Art and the Royal College of Art in London. In addition to producing visual art, Jones has lectured at several prestigious institutions, such as the Chelsea School of Art in London and Hochschule für Bildenden Kunst in Hamburg. He has exhibited worldwide, and his works are in numerous private and public collections, such as the Museum of Modern Art and Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, the British Museum and Tate Museum in London, and Moderna Museet in Stockholm.

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