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Hermanni Keko - Artists -

Portrait of Hermanni Keko.

Born in Isokyrö, Finland 1987  | Lives and works in Helsinki


Hermanni Keko uses the abstract form to explore spatiality and the subtle forces of movement and perspective. His compositions comprise centrally grouped elements that appear to be fleeing from or moving toward the center. Although the initial set-up appears static and unchanging, every painting conveys the idea of potential change – something that seems to be evolving or taking shape. The forms melt into each other, giving birth to new ones – they stand still, yet simultaneously, they are in constant transition and motion.


Hermanni Keko graduated from the Lahti Institute of Design in 2012 and received a Master’s degree in fine arts from Aalto University in 2019. He participated in the Young Artist’ Exhibition at Kunsthalle Helsinki in 2019.

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